Papaya is propagated almost entirely by seeds. . The best time for raising papaya seedlings is from February to March. The seeds are sown in raised seedbeds of 2 x 1m made 15cm above the ground level or in polythene bags. A mixture of sand, leaf mould and dried FYM is spread over the seedbed. The seeds are sown 2-3 cm deep at a distance of 5cm in rows 15 cm apart. To raise seedlings for planting in a hectare, 250g seeds are required. Seedbeds should be watered daily, if there is no rain.
Papaya seedlings raised in polythene bags can stand transplanting better than that raised in seedbeds. Polythene bags of 20 x 15cm size and 150 gauge thickness are used as containers. They are filled with a mixture of FYM, soil and sand in equal proportions. Two seeds are sown in each bag and after germination, only one seedling is retained. Vegetative propagation by mound layering is also possible.
Two month old seedlings are transplanted in the main field in May-June at a spacing of 2 x 2 m. Pits of size 50 x 50 x 50cm are taken and filled with topsoil. Male plants are removed as soon as they flower and the female and hermaphrodite plants are retained. In pure female plantations, one male plant is retained for every 10 female plants. Seedlings are shaded to protect them from excessive sunlight until they establish. In hermaphrodite or monoecious types male plants may not be required.