Agriculture > Pulses > Green gram (Vigna radiata) |
Climate and soil Green gram is grown as a pure crop in rice fallows after the harvest of the first or second crop of paddy. It can also be grown as a mixed crop with tapioca, colocasia, yam and banana or as intercrop in coconut gardens. Varieties Philippines, Madiera, Pusa Baisakhi, NP-24, Co-2, Pusa-8973 (suited to the summer rice fallows of Onattukara; tolerant to pod borer; duration 66 days) Seed rate and sowing Pure crop - 20-25kg/ha Plough the land 2-3 times thoroughly and remove weeds and stubbles. Channels, 30 cm broad and 15 cm deep, are drawn at 2m apart to drain off excess rainwater during kharif season and provide irrigation during summer season. The seeds may be sown broadcast. Intercultural operations Manuring
Lime may be applied at the time of first ploughing. Half the quantity of N and the full quantity of P2O5 and K2O may be applied at the time of last ploughing. The remaining quantity of N can be applied as foliar spray of 2% urea solution in two equal doses on the 15th and 30th day after sowing. Plant protection Apply carbaryl 0.15% suspension, if pests are observed in serious proportions |