1. Scylla serrata (Forskal)
Outer margin of wrist (carpus) of chelipeds are with one blunt spine; colour of upper surface of body (carapace) is greenish brown to ferrugenous brown; no polygonal markings is found on the walking and swimming legs; lower surface of fixed finger of chelipeds is dark to pinkish red in colour. They are graded as "red crabs" (200 to 400 g) in the export trade.

Scylla serrata
2. Scylla tranquebarica (Fabricius)
The outer margin of wrist (carpus) of chelipeds has 2 sharp spine; colour of upper surface of body (carapace) is light to dark green, polygonal markings is found on all walking and swimming legs. They are graded as "extra large" (above 1 kg) and "large" (0.5 to 1 kg) in the export trade.

Scylla tranquebarica