Water management
Chrysanthemum needs only small amount of water during the stages of growth but it is important to avoid water stress during the vegetative growth. Water requirement increases as vegetative growth progresses. However water requirement should be reduced as the plants approach the flowering stage.
Nutrient management
Chrysanthemum takes up relatively large amount of both nitrogen and potassium during the vegetative growth. If the plants are already established, liquid fertilizers containing about 210 ppm N and 220 ppm potassium that should be added every 2 -3 weeks interval until buds show color.
Intercultural operations
Since spray and standard chrysanthemums may be as tall as 30" to 36", it is necessary to support the stems as the crop matures. Generally, chrysanthemum are tied to bamboo stakes, metal hog wire or sturdy sticks to keep them erect and properly hold flowers on the main stem of the flowers.
Pinching and disbudding
Pinching on the growing tip of the plant is done to induce branching and increase the number of flowering stems per plant.
Disbudding for standard mums or "single flower" group. Lateral buds are removed to allow terminal bud to develop into a big flower.
For spray types, the terminal bud is removed to develop a spray of large uniform flowers from lateral buds.