Shoot borer (Sinoxylon sp.)
Infests on tender shoots of young plants and can be prevented by prophylactic application of carbaryl 0.15%. Prune off the laterals of old trees showing dieback symptoms. Do not allow dried glyricidia and other twigs to remain in the plantation, to ensure that the beetles will not multiply on these materials and subsequently initiate infestation in cloves.
Stem borer (Sahyadrassus sp.)
Infests the main stem of young trees at the basal region. The larva of the pest girdles the stem and bores downward into it. The girdled portion and borehole are covered with a mat- like frass material.
Scale insects
Many species of scale insects infest clove seedlings in the nursery and sometimes young plants in the field. The scales are generally seen clustered together on tender stems and lower surface of leaves.
Scale insects feed on plant sap and cause yellow spots on leaves and wilting of shoots and the plants present a sickly appearance.
Scale insects can be controlled by spraying dimethoate 0.05% or quinalphos 0.025%.