Mealy bugs (Dysmicoccus brevipes / Pseudococcus bromeliae)
Mealybugs infest commercial pineapple plantings, affecting pineapple production in several ways. The rapid spread of this malady in the field is largely due to the feeding habit of bugs. Symptoms first appear on roots which cease to grow, eventually leading to collapse of tissues. Feeding of Dysmicoccus species on pineapple produces a toxic effect called mealybug stripe, expressed as green or black striped areas. The most predominant symptom is wilting of leaves, commencing from leaf tips. Reddish-yellow colour develops in the wilting areas. Finally the plants rot and develop decaying suckers. Fruits developed are undersized. Ants of several species act as carriers of mealy bugs.
Spray quinalphos 0.05% or chlorpyriphos 0.05% or dimethoate 0.05%. Care should be taken that the spray shall reach the base and also the sides of the plant. The plot should be kept weed free. For the control of mealy bugs, control of ants is a must. Hence apply carbaryl to control ants in its colonies in the farm.
Scale insects (Diaspus bromeliae)
The spraying of chemicals for the control of mealy bugs, mentioned above, will be sufficient for the control of scale insects.