The seedling plants generally bear after 8 yrs and the grafted plants after 3 yrs of planting. The fruiting season lasts about 4 months from Jan-Feb to May- June. The average yield from one tree is about 50-100 fruits per year.
Ready to cook tender jack fruit
A process protocol developed for canning of tender jack involves treatment combination like blanching process, thermal processing parameters via; time, temperature, and preservatives wrer optimized based on the quality analysis and shelf life studies. The study concluded that the samples which were blanched for one minute at 100o C and pasteurized at 900 C for F value 10 were found to be superior. A shelf life of 2 years could be achieved for pasteurized and sterilized tender jack fruit at refrigerated storage and ambient condition respectively, using this new technology. The product resembled the fresh sample, available to the consumers in a ready to cook form throughout the year.