Presence of silver shoot in the place of central leaf is the prominent symptom. The symptom appears from the nursery to the flowering stage. However, in very young seedling the silver shoots are not always expressed. Instead, a swelling at the basal portion and excess tillering are often noticed.
1. Use tolerant varieties like Pavithra, Panchami and Uma.
2. Avoid late transplantation during the first crop season.
3. Careful monitoring of the crop seasons in the month of July during additional crop season and October during puncha season.
4. Use optimum seed rate of 100 kg/ha.
5. Destruction of collateral host like wild rice, Cynodon dactylon, Ischaemum aristatum, Echinochloa spp. and Isachne sp.
6. Dipping germinated seed in 0.2% chlorpyrifos solution for 3 hours before sowing give protection up to 30 days.
7. In transplanted crop the root of seedlings may be dipped in 0.02% chlorpyrifos suspension for 12 hours prior to planting.
8. The nursery treatment has to be followed by main field treatment, 10-15 days after transplantation using anyone of the following insecticides: quinalphos Carbosulphan 6G, Chlorantriniliprole 4 G, and Fipronil.
9. In areas where the pest is of regular occurrence, apply granules of quinalphos (250 g ai/ha) or chlorpyrifos 10G (0.5 kg ai/ha) within 10 days after sowing. The granules should be broadcast in 2-3 cm of water and the field should be impounded for at least 4 days.