Seed rate

The recommended seed rate for ash gourd is 0.75-1.0 kg/ha.


January-March and September-December are the ideal seasons for growing ash gourd. For the rainfed crop, sowing can be started after the receipt of first few showers during May-June. Prepare the soil to a fine tilth by ploughing and harrowing. Pits of 60 cm diameter and 30-45 cm depth are taken at a spacing of 4.5 m x 2 m. Well rotten FYM and fertilizers are mixed with topsoil in the pit.

Sow four or five seeds per pit at 1-2 cm depth. Avoid deeper sowing as it delays germination. Irrigate with a rose can daily.  A pre-sowing irrigation 3-4 days before sowing is beneficial. The seeds germinate in about 4-5 days. Unhealthy plants are removed after two weeks and only three plants are retained per pit. Soaking seeds overnight in cold water is found to improve germination. To reduce the attack of soil born fungus, soaking seeds in 0.2 % solution of bavistin for two hours is also recommended. 

In high range zone, seedlings can be raised in greenhouses to ensure good germination and are later transplanted to the main-field. Sow two or three seeds in small plastic pots/containers filled with potting mixture. Thin to a single seedling when they have four to six true leaves. Water the seedlings thoroughly every morn­ing. Seedlings are ready for transplanting 15-20 days after sowing or when they are 10-15 cm tall. Transplant seedlings into the field at spacings simi­lar to those used for the direct seeding method.