Selection of setts
Select top ends of mature, healthy disease free canes up to 1/3 of total length and cut into setts of three eye buds. The seed rate is 40000-45000 setts/ha.
Sett treatment
For control of fungus diseases like red rot, dip cut ends of setts in 0.25% solution of copper based fungicides.
Preparation of land
Plough the land thrice length wise and breadth wise and level properly. Prepare furrows 25cm deep and 75 cm apart for short duration and 90cm apart for medium duration varieties. In hilly tracts, prepare pits in rows along the contour at spacing of 30 cm in the row and 75 cm between the rows. For mid-late varieties, an inter-row spacing of 75 cm is recommended.
Plant setts end to end in the furrow, with the eye buds facing sideways and cover with soil. In the pit system, plant 2-3 setts in each pit.