Varieties(Vegetable Type)


Semi trailing:

Kanakamony: Semi trailing dual purpose type. Pods are green in colour and bold seeded. Suitable for the kitchen gardens.

Anaswara: Light green medium long pods.

Kairali: Violet coloured medium long pods.

Varun: Long purple poded and bold seeded.

Arka Garima


Sharika: High yielding. Long white pods with purple tip. Seeds black in colour.

Malika: High yielding. Long light green pods without purple tip. Seeds brown with a white speck having irregular shape at one end.

Lola: High yielding. Long light green pods with purple tip and brown seeds.

Vyjayanthi: Long wine red extra long pods with brown seeds.

KMV-1: Light green pods with brown tips.

Vellayani Jyothika: Light green pods. Tolerant to Fussarium wilt.

Manjeri Local, Vyalathur Local, Kurutholapayar


Bhagyalakshmy: Bushy growth habit with light green medium sized pods.

Pusa Barsathi, Pusa Komal

Grain type:

C-152, S-488, Pusa Phalguni, P-118, Pusa Do Fasli, Krishnamony (PTB-2), V-240, Amba (V-16), GC-827, CO-3, Pournami (in summer rice fallows) and Shubra (suited for cultivation in rice fallows during summer season in Southern districts of Kerala, Sreya and Hridya(summer rice fallows of Onattukara).GC-3 and RC- 101, DCS- 47-1 (suitable for rabi season).

Dual purpose type:

Kanakamony (PTB-1) and New Era, Anaswara

As companion crop with tapioca: V-26

Floor crop: Gujarat V-118, CO-2