
Apply FYM or compost @ 25 t/ha and fertilizers @ 150:100:125 N:P2O5:K2O kg/ha. Apply full dose of P2O5 and half dose of N and K2O before transplanting and remaining N and K one month after transplanting.


Adequate supply of moisture is required both during growing and curding phase to ensure even growth and proper development of curds. First irrigation is given just after transplanting of seedlings and subsequent irrigations are given at an interval of 8-10 days depending upon the season and soil conditions.

Weed control

Keep the field free from weeds by 2-3 hand weedings. Also carry out 1-2 very shallow hoeing without injuring the roots to remove the weeds and also to loosen the soil for better aeration.

Earthing up

In order to produce large sized curds, earth up the plant one month after transplanting. At the time of earthing up the plants are supported with soil to avoid toppling of the plant during head formation.


Cauliflower curds exposed to direct sun turn yellow and loose flavour. Blanching is the operation protecting the curds from direct sunlight by covering them with leaves. In some self blanching varieties the curd remains naturally protected and surrounded by inner whorls of leaves.