Bacterial wilt resistant variety from the Kerala Agricultural University (KAU). Fruits are round, slightly flat at the ends and medium sized. Fruits show tendency to crack at maturity and hence should be harvested before full maturity.
Bacterial wilt resistant variety from the KAU. Fruits are round, slightly flat at the ends, medium sized and light greenish in colour. Average yield is 43.5 t/ha.

Bacterial wilt resistant variety from the KAU. The variety is resistant to fruit cracking, and tolerant to leaf curl and mosaic. Fruits are reddish round without green shoulder. Average fruit weight is 45 g and average yield is 30 t/ha.
Pusa Ruby
High yielding variety is released by IARI, New Delhi. It is an early growing cultivar. Fruits are yellow coloured at stem end, and are of uniform ripening. Average yield is 32.5 t/ha. It is suitable for table as well as processing purpose.

Pusa Early Dwarf
Variety released by IARI, New Delhi. It is an early ripening cultivar of determinate type; fruits are flattish round, medium large with yellow stem end. Fruits are ready for harvesting 75-80 days after transplanting. Average yield is 35 t/ha. It is suitable for table as well as processing purpose.
Variety released by TNAU, Coimbatore. Suitable for growing in South India. Fruits are round with yellow stem end, determinate and ripen uniformly.
Arka Alok
Hybrid variety released by IIHR, Bangalore. Plants are determinate. Fruits are large (120g) square to round with light green shoulder. Suitable for table purpose. Resistant to bacterial wilt. Crop matures in 130 days. Average yield is 46 t/ha.
Arka Shreshta
High yielding hybrid variety released by IIHR, Bangalore. Plants are semi determinate with light green foliage. Fruits are medium large (70-75 g), and round with light green shoulder. Fruits are firm with good keeping quality (17 days) and long transportability. Suitable for both fresh market and processing. Resistant to bacterial wilt. Crop matures in 140 days. Average yield is 76 t/ha.
Arka Abhijit
High yielding hybrid variety released by IIHR, Bangalore. Plants are semi determinate with dark green foliage. Fruits are round, medium large (65-70 g) with green shoulder. Fruits are thick fleshed with good keeping quality (17 days) and long transportability. Suitable for table purpose. Resistance to bacterial wilt. Crop matures in 140 days. Average yield is 65 t/ha.
Vellayani Vijay
Bacterial wilt resistant variety.
Manulekshmi, Manuprabha
Rainshelter variety: Akshaya