
Modern and well-established scientific principles, practices and skills should be used to obtain maximum economic benefits from sheep farming. Some of the major norms and recommended practices are given below.

Selection of animal

  • It is necessary to select suitable improved breed of sheep available in particular area.
  • Crossbred sheep are available for purchase from state Government / Government of India sheep breeding farms.
  • Ewes can be purchased in regular sheep markets or from breeders in villages, while male sheep (rams) of exotic / crossbred from Government farms.
  • It is desirable to purchase healthy animals of 12-18 months of age.
  • A certificate regarding age and health of sheep should be obtained from the veterinary assistant surgeon.
  • The animals purchased have to be identified by fixing ear tags.
  • Sheep should be vaccinated for important diseases like sheep-fox and enterotoxaemia.
  • An entrepreneur should have a unit of 20-30 ewes and one ram.