Raw material:
Pineapples: 6 kg (peeled)
Sugar: 3 kg
Lemon juice: 50 ml
- Remove the unripe fruit and those affected by blemishes or signs of decay. Wash in abundant water and let drip. Remove the skin, according to the fruit being processed. Cut the fruit in halves or quarters, according to its size, and place in a pot.
- Cook on low heat and stir frequently with a wooden spoon to prevent the product from sticking to the bottom of the pot and burning. Simmer for 15 minutes. Cook on a higher flame for 15 more minutes and stir frequently with the wooden spoon.
- Add 1 kg of sugar and dissolve rapidly. Let cook for 30 minutes. Add 50 ml of lemon juice. Add the remaining 2 kg of sugar, dissolve it rapidly and boil for 15-20 minutes. When the product has become thicker and has reached the setting point, remove from the fire.
- Fill the previously washed and dried glass jars with the hot jam up to 1.5 cm from the rim. Clean the upper part of the jars from possible jam residues. Close with screw-band lids. Turn the lid-bearing jars upside down, to sterilize the lids until the content cools off. Remove all jam residues from the outside of the jars and lids. Label each container, indicating the name of the product, the ingredients and date on which the product was prepared. Place a strip of adhesive paper over jar and lid, so as to be able to check whether the container was previously opened, before consuming the contents. Store in a dry place, free from dust and away from light. The product may be preserved for at least 12 months. Since less sugar than normal is used to make an extra-quality jam, once the jar is opened the product must be stored in the refrigerator.
Source: http://www.fcs.uga.edu/