Black scale (Saissetia nigra)
The black scale infests tender stems and leaves especially in the nursery and sometimes-young plants in the field. The scales are clustered together and are black, oval and dome shaped. Black scales feed on plant sap and severe infestations cause the shoots to wilt and dry. It can be controlled by spot spraying with quinalphos 0.025%.
White scale (Pseudaulacaspis cockerelli)
The white scale is greyish white, flat and shaped like a fish scale and occurs clustered together on the lower surface of leaves especially in nursery seedlings. The pest infestation results in yellow streaks and spots on affected leaves and in severe infestations the leaves wilt and dry.
Shield scale (Protopulvinaria mangiferae)
The shield scale is creamy brown and oval and occurs on tender leaves and stems especially in nursery seedlings. The pest infestation results in wilting of leaves and shoots.
The scale insects mentioned above and other species that may also occur sporadically on nutmeg can be controlled by spraying dimethoate 0.05% or quinalphos 0.025%.