Seed rate
Recommended seed rate is 1 kg/ha.
Raising seedlings
Chilli is a transplanted crop. Seeds are sown in the nursery and one month old seedlings are transplanted to the main field. For sowing the seeds, raised seedbeds of 90 to 100 cm width and of convenient length are prepared to which well decomposed organic matter has been incorporated. Burning rice straw or other dry organic matter on the bed, helps to sterilize the soil. This also adds small amounts of P and K to the soil for the seedlings. After sowing the seeds, mulch with green leaves and irrigate with a rose can daily in the morning. Remove the mulch immediately after germination of the seeds. Under good conditions, seedlings are ready for transplanting 4-5 weeks after sowing. Restrict irrigation one week before transplanting and irrigate heavily on the previous day of transplanting. Protray seedlings can also be used.
Raising seedlings in trays
Transplants can also be raised in sterile media in seedling trays. For this fill the seedling tray with sowing medium, such as peat moss, commercial potting soil, or a potting mixture. The potting mix should have good water holding capacity and good drainage. Potting mixture with 67 % peat moss and 33 % coarse vermiculite is ideal. If non-sterile components are used, it is better to sterilize potting mixture by autoclaving or baking. Approximately 150 g seeds may be needed to transplant 1 ha at a density of 30,000 plants/ha. Sow one seed per cell and cover 1 cm deep. Cover the seedlings with an insect proof net, or sow them inside a greenhouse or screen house. This provides shade and protects seedlings from heavy rain and pests, such as aphids, which transmit viruses. Seeds will germinate in about eight days. Upon emergence, water the seedlings thoroughly every morning using a fine sprinkler. Irrigate with a 0.25% solution of water soluble or liquid fertilizer (10-10-10) when two true leaves appear. If damping off occurs, irrigate with a 0.25% solution of benlate or similar fungicide.
Time of planting
For a rainfed crop, transplant the seedlings during May-June before the onset of southwest monsoon. Planting can also be done during Sept-October for an irrigated crop.
Land preparation and transplanting
Select the land carefully and prepare the soil to a fine tilth by thorough ploughing/digging. Well rotten organic manure is incorporated in the soil and seedlings are transplanted in shallow trenches/pits during May or on ridges/level lands during rainy season. Raised bed plantings are especially useful during rainy periods; they improve the aeration of the roots and minimize losses due to root diseases and flooding.
For transplanting, the seedlings are lifted from the seedbed by loosening the soil with a fork, and carefully separating the roots from the surrounding soil, discarding damaged or inferior plants, and binding into convenient bundles for transport to the field. The seedlings uprooted should be kept cool, moist and shaded. Transplanting can be done manually or by machine. Transplant in the late afternoon or on a cloudy day to minimize transplant shock. Irrigate immediately to establish good root-to-soil contact. Transplanted seedlings may also be given temporary shade for 3-4 days during summer. Care should be taken to avoid planting chilli in fields where a preceding crop of chilli or other solanaceous crop has been cultivated. However, a preceding rice crop is often helpful in that the flooded soil is depleted of many soil-borne pathogens and weed seeds.
Transplant less spreading varieties at 45 x 45 cm. For spreading cultivars like White Kanthari provide a wider spacing of 75 x 45-60 cm.