A basal application of FYM (20 t/ha) is required during field preparation. Apply 60 kg N, 100 kg P2O5 and 120 kg K2O as basal. Topdressing with 60 kg N, 30 days after planting at the time of first earthing up is essential.
Irrigation has a special significance in the potato production as the plant has shallow and sparse root system. First irrigation should be light and given 5-7 days after planting and subsequent irrigation are given at 7-15 days interval depending upon the climatic condition and soil type. The drip system of irrigation is most economical and also enables application of fertilizers through irrigation water. The sprinkler system gives uniform distribution of water and reduces water losses by percolation and is suitable for areas with undulating topography.
Weed control
The potato crop develops canopy in about 4 weeks after planting and weeds must be controlled by this time to gain competitive advantage for the crop. If the weeds are large, they should be removed before the ridging operations begin. After earthing up, the weeds between the growing plants and at the top of the ridge should be removed by mechanical or herbicide application.
Earthing up
Earthing up helps to keep the soil loose and destroy weeds. Carry out two or three earthing up at an interval of 15-20 days. The first earthing up should be done when the plants are about 15-25 cm high. The second earthing up is often done to cover up the tubers properly.
Crop rotation
The potato crop can be grown in rotation with paddy, mung, okra, green manure, etc.