
Pumpkin grows very fast and vines elongate rapidly within two weeks after planting. Thereafter, the plant sends out lateral stems. Usually, pumpkin is grown trailing on the ground. For trailing them, spread dried twigs on the ground.


Balanced fertilization is essential for high yielding and good keeping quality of the fruits. Apply FYM @ 20-25 t/ha as basal dose along with half dose of N (35 kg) and full dose of P2O5 (25 kg) and K2O (25 kg/ha). The remaining dose of N (35 kg) can be applied in two equal split doses at the time of vining and at the time of full blooming. A fertilizer dose of 70:25:25 kg N:P2O5:K2O/ha in several splits is recommended in Onattukara region. The fertilizer dose per pit would be 28:10:10 g N:P2O5:K2O.


During the initial stages of growth, irrigate at 3-4 days interval, and alternate days during flowering/fruiting. Furrow irrigation is the ideal method of irrigating. But in water-limited envi­ronment, trickle or drip irrigation can be resorted to. During rainy season, drainage is essential for plant survival and growth.

Weed control

Conduct weeding and raking of the soil at the time of fertilizer application. Earthing up is done during rainy season. Hand or hoe weeding can be performed as needed. Mulching is commonly used for pumpkin crops grown on raised beds. Use organic or plastic mulch depending on availability. Mulch can be laid down before or after trans­planting and after sowing.