Cultural practices

Land preparation

Land is prepared well by ploughing two or three times. FYM @ 30 t/ha is mixed well with soil. Best time for planting is May-July. The bulbs preferably those of size 2-5 cm or above are to be planted at a depth of 7-10 cm, with a spacing of 20 x 25 cm.


Tuberose is a gross feeder and responds well to the application of organic and inorganic manures. A fertilizer dosage of 100:50:50 kg/ha N:P2O5 :K2O is recommended. Of these, half N, complete P2O5 and K2O are applied at the time of planting. Remaining N is applied when the flower spikes start to appear. A heavy irrigation once in 5-10 days is necessary depending upon the weather conditions. The peak flowering is between June and October.

Use of Growth Regulators

The application of CCC at 5000 ppm and GA3 at 1000 ppm induces early flowering, increased flower-stalk production and improves the quality of flowers. (


The plant requires sufficient soil moisture for its growth and flower production. Initially, irrigation is given immediately after planting in order to set them in the ground and to provide them with sufficient moisture for growth initiation. Subsequent irrigation is given, depending upon the prevailing weather conditions. Usually during summer (April-June), it should be irrigated at weekly intervals and during winters at 10 days intervals.

Ratoon crop

After the harvest of the main crop, the flower stalks are headed back and the plot is manured and irrigated. Three or four ratoon crops can be taken from single planting. If the bulbs are not uprooted and replanted after three or four ratoons, the spikes tend to become smaller and unattractive.