
H-97: This is a semi-branching variety, tolerant to mosaic disease with duration of 10 months. But the harvest can be prolonged even up to 16 months. The starch content is 30%.

H-165: This is a non-branching type with poor cooking quality having eight months duration. It is tolerant to mosaic but susceptible to wilt disease. The starch content is 24.5%.

H-226: This is a semi-branching type with medium cooking quality having 10 months duration. It is moderately susceptible to mosaic. The starch content is 29%.

M-4: This is an erect type with excellent cooking quality having 10 months duration. The starch content is 29%.

Sree Visakham: This is a semi-branching type with yellow coloured flesh having 10 months duration. It shows high tolerance to mosaic and low susceptibility to pests like red mites, scale insects, thrips etc. The starch content is 26% and vitamin A 466 IU.

Sree Sahya: This is a predominantly semi-branching type with 10 months duration. It shows high tolerance to mosaic and low susceptibility to pests like red mites, scale insects, thrips etc. The starch content is 30%.

Sree Prakash: This has seven months duration and the yield potential is 30-40 t/ha.

Kalpaka: This is a non-branching type with six months duration and is suited as an intercrop of coconut in reclaimed alluvial soils of Kuttanad.

Sree Jaya: This is an early variety with seven months duration and excellent cooking quality. Tuber contains 24-27% starch and is low in cyanogens.

Sree Vijaya: This is an early variety with 6-7 months duration and excellent cooking quality. Tuber contains 27-30% starch and is low in cyanogens.

Sree Harsha: This has 10 months duration and good cooking quality. Tuber contains 34-36% starch. They are non-bitter and ideal for culinary purposes and the high starch content makes it suitable for preparing dried chips.

Nidhi: This is a high yielding early variety with 5.5-6 months duration. It is tolerant to mosaic and moisture stress. Tuber contains 26.8% starch and 20 ppm HCN.

Vellayani Hraswa: High yielding early variety with 5-6 months duration. It cannot tolerate drought. The cooking quality is very good. Tubers contain 27.8% starch and 53 ppm cyanogen.

Sree Rekha: It is a top cross hybrid with 10 months duration. Tubers contain 28.2% starch with excellent cooking quality.

Sree Prabha: It is a top cross hybrid with 10 months duration. Tubers contain 26.8% starch with good cooking quality.