
Select seedlings with green leaf petioles. Plant seedlings in the main field when they are 1-2 year old with the commencement of southwest monsoon. Planting is done in pits of size 60 x 60 cm at a spacing of 2 x 2 m.They are then filled with compost and topsoil before planting.

Cinnamon is planted during June-July to take advantage of the monsoon for the establishment of seedlings. For transplanting, 10-12 months old seedlings or well rooted cuttings or air layers are used. In each pit 3-4 seedlings or rooted cuttings or air layers can be planted. In some cases, the seeds are directly dibbled in the pits that are filled with compost and soil. Partial shade in the initial years is advantageous for healthy, rapid growth of plants.


Weeding should be done regularly in the early stages of growth. Two weedings in an year during June-July and October-November, and one digging of the soil around the bushes during August-September is recommended.


Irrigate the seedlings till they get established, if there is long drought period. Prune plants when they are 2-3 years old at a height of 15 cm above ground level. Cut the side shoots growing from the base to encourage growth of more side shoots till the whole plant assumes the shape of a low bush.

Nutrient management

Apply N:P2O5:K2O @ 20:20:25 g/seedling in the first year and double this dose in the second year. Cattle manure or compost at 20 kg / plant / annum may also be applied. Increase the dose of N:P2O5:K2O gradually to 200:180:200 g / tree / year for grown up plants of 10 years and above. Apply organic manures in May-June and fertilizers in two equal split doses, in May-June and September-October.