Apply 50 tonnes of FYM per ha as basal dose before planting. After preparing trenches, apply N:P2O5:K2O @ 50:50:50 kg/ha. Another 50 kg of N can be applied at regular intervals as topdressing. Spraying 1 % urea immediately after each harvest will increase the yield.
Although amaranth is relatively drought tolerant, insufficient water will reduce yield. Water should be applied especially just after sowing or transplanting to ensure a good stand. It is better to furrow irrigate amaranth fields every 10 days during the cool dry season, and weekly during the hot dry season. As a rule, the plants should be irrigated if wilting occurs at noon time. During the rainy season, drainage is essential for plant survival and growth. Raised beds, clean furrows and large drainage channels facilitate quick drainage of excess water after heavy rain.
Irrigate thoroughly to maintain vigorous plant growth. But avoid over irrigation, which may enhance disease development and nutrient leaching. Drip irrigation or microsprinkler irrigation is recommended in areas with limited water supply. If sprinkler irrigation used, avoid irrigating in the late evening to prevent diseases.
Weed control
Weeds compete for light, water, and nutrients, thereby resulting in reduced yield. Amaranth is small seeded and slow to germinate, therefore, weed control is essential early in the season. Weeds may be controlled using a combination of methods. Thorough land preparation is the first key to effective weed control. A seedbed free of weed seeds allows amaranth seedlings to get a head start on the weeds and establish a canopy that can shade out emerging weed seedlings. Mulching is recommended to reduce weed competition, soil compaction and erosion; mulching also conserves soil moisture. Mulching is easier to practice if the amaranth crop is transplanted, but can also be used for row seeded crops after the seedlings reach a height of 10-15 cm. Hand or hoe weeding can be performed as needed.