Uproot excess seedlings (thinning) three weeks after sowing leaving a plant to plant spacing of 10 cm to facilitate better tuber growth.
Apply 20 t/ha FYM as basal. N: P2O5: K2O 75:37.5:37.5 kg/ha is the fertilizer requirement. Full dose of P2O5 and K2O and half dose of N are applied as basal. Remaining half dose of nitrogen is applied as topdressing when the plant starts growing vigorously.
Adequate soil moisture should be available for uniform seed germination and growth of plant. The first irrigation is given immediately after sowing. Depending upon the planting season and the available soil moisture, radish may be irrigated at 10-12 days interval during winter and 5-6 days interval during summer.
Intercultural operations like weeding and hoeing are necessary to check weed growth and provide soil aeration for better growth and yield. During rainy season, two weedings are required to keep the growth of weeds under check.
Earthing up
In radish, the growing roots tend to push out of the soil surface. Therefore, earthing up and weeding during the early stages of growth are necessary for proper development of quality roots.